Schedule A Farm Pick-Up


There is a pick up fee based on distance for our farm pick up service.
We do offer several different PICK UP LOCATIONS for those wishing to save on the fee. Items must be bagged for drop off.
Drop off orders of more than 15 blankets must contact us to schedule a drop off day due to space restrictions. See above link for PICK UP LOCATIONS.

Preparing for your farm pick-up:
We ask that all items are "bagged and labeled" and ready for the driver before they arrive to save on time for the pickup. You may use any bag that can be closed tight to keep items from falling out during transport. Make sure all labels are clearly written with your Name, Phone Number, and any Special Instructions. Any item that requires a repair or waterproofing must be specified clearly, we will not automatically repair items without request from the client as not everyone wishes to spend the extra fee. Orders without special instructions will be Washed and Air-Dried only.

It is EXTREMELY helpful to include a LIST or our ID FORM with each order that can be checked off as items are being processed. It is not uncommon for clients to think that they sent a certain item in for washing only to discover that it was still at the barn, in a tack trunk or stored elsewhere etc. The list/id form is an accountability measure to prevent any concern of a missing item. Without an itemized list, I cannot be sure the item actually made it to me for cleaning.

Once orders are being processed, you will be emailed or texted your invoice along with payment options. Depending on service volume REPAIR work may be invoiced separately. We accept Venmo, Check, Cash, Credit Card or Afterpay for orders. Once all payments are made we will schedule the return delivery. I will no longer leave any orders that I have not received payment. If you forgot to leave payment on the day of delivery, your order will come back to our shop and you will need to arrange to pick it up here.


5 miles or less $10 fee
6 miles to 15 miles $20 fee
16 miles to 25 miles $30 fee
26 miles to 35 miles $40 fee
36 miles to 45 miles $50 fee
46 miles to 60 miles $60 fee
61 miles to 75 miles $75 fee